Friday, June 13, 2008


Time flies when you're having fun. Over the past couple of days I traveled through Göreme and Konya. I've been moving quickly, as I decided to try and get to Alalakh a little early. Don't worry, I'll have updates on Göreme and Konya soon.

Yesterday I took the bus from Konya to Antakya, then tracked down a minibus that ran through the town next to the site. It was the longest single trip I've made in Turkey. I left from the Konya Otogar at 7:00 AM, arrived at Adana after about seven hours. It was quite scenic. The highway runs along the coast for some distance. I convinced myself I could see Cyrus just beyond the waves.

I was in Adana for about ten minutes, nigh immediately catching a bus to Antakya. We weaved in and out of mountains for about two hours before entering an immense open plane. You get an excellent view of the basin as your bus climbs down from the mountains... an agricultural checkerboard of tan and green fields fills the plains all the way to the horizon, obscured slightly by the smoke from local swidden agriculture and the dust kicked up by the winds from Syria.

Stay tuned...


Unknown said...

I assume with this long silence that you have not discovered anything for 2 months ^^

Adam said...

Ouch... the blog has been in limbo. Need to get it fired up again.